Call to Action on Surgery Technologies
Is your company looking to deploy new technologies, products and services for the benefit of surgical procedures? Do you have new ideas and approaches which you feel could benefit the way in which surgery patients are cared for and supported? Would you like to better understand the modern challenges faced by surgical clinical staff? If you answered yes to any of these questions then we invite you to engage in our call to action on surgery technology.
SIGHT is an ERDF-funded business support programme. In conjunction with Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, the Wessex Clinical Research Network and the University of Portsmouth, SIGHT is launching a call to businesses engaged in the healthtech and medtech sectors in order to identify opportunities for collaboration with the Queen Alexandra Hospital in the field of technologies deployed in surgery.
We would very much like to explore the art of the possible with regards to how your technologies, products and services may lead to clinical and patient impacts within the hospital. We would thus like to invite businesses who would like to engage to complete a short questionnaire accessible via the following google form:
In particular we would like to engage with businesses engaged in any of the following fields:
- Wearable technologies for remote monitoring of patient’s vital signs (e.g. pulse, temperature, blood pressure, oxygen saturations)
- New and improved PPE including reusable ventilated face masks and hoods
- Endoscopic measurement devices utilising ultrasound
- Robotics and keyhole surgery devices
The SIGHT programme will enable engagement with clinicians and academic staff at both PHT and the University of Portsmouth in order to discuss the potential of your technology solutions for these challenges.
We would like to receive responses via the weblink above by the 26th June 2020. Businesses will then be selected to attend a discussion workshop session with clinical / surgical and academic staff on the 8th July 2020.