PTTU provides the skilled staff and infrastructure to develop and deliver clinicial research projects for the benefit of patients and the community.


MAYFLY is a surgical research project being run at Queen Alexandra Hospital that seeks to determine the benefits and costs of robot-assisted surgery in an outpatient setting.

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Would you like to help us create a greener NHS?

By taking part in the REDUCE-carbon study you can help us to better understand if the carbon footprint of inhalers is important to you and how you would like to access this information. If you would like to take part please click here.

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ESMENA: Education, Self-Management and Empowerment in exacerbatioN prone Asthma

ESMENA is an education programme, designed by both healthcare professionals and patients, aimed at improving the care for patients with asthma.

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REDUCE Carbon – RandomisED control trial to Understand whether prescribing Choice for inhalErs is influenced by knowledge of the CARBON footprint. If you would like to take part in the study…

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Improving Risk Predictions for Emergency Bowel Surgery

We are conducting a study using data from patients who have had emergency bowel surgery at Portsmouth Hospital. This is to try and improve the way we assess risks for this type of surgery and…

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The aim of the project is to develop a protocol for how frequently clinical staff should take vital sign observations of patients in hospital. This will hopefully lead to better use of nurses’ time and a…

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SIGHT is an ERDF funded business support project which draws together the experience, knowledge and expertise of the University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust and the Clinical…

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Cooperative Brachytherapy Project

The CoBra (Cooperative Brachytherapy) project aims to develop an innovative technology for robotic biopsy and brachytherapy under MRI guidance. The five year project commenced early 2018…

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