Improving Risk Predictions for Emergency Bowel Surgery
We are conducting a study using data from patients who have had emergency bowel surgery at Portsmouth Hospital. This is to try and improve the way we assess risks for this type of surgery and these conditions.
The project’s full title is:
“Can Clinical and Biochemical Variables be used Innovatively to Improve Risk Modelling in Patients Undergoing Emergency Bowel Surgery”
The study is running from December 2020 until August 2021. For further information about the study and how we use patient data please see below.
Emergency Bowel Surgery – What is the Study About?
Emergency bowel surgery is a procedure performed for intestinal emergencies, such as a bowel blockage or perforation. It involves a large cut to access the abdomen called a laparotomy. For many patients it is a high-risk procedure, with a risk of death rate of >10%. It has become routine practice in the NHS to use risk models to predict a patient’s risk of death prior to surgery. This information is used by clinicians to help discuss the risks of surgery with patients and plan their care before and after. This study will investigate and test innovative ways of using clinical data and blood tests to try and improve the accuracy of models used to predict the risk of death with emergency laparotomy.
How is the Study Conducted?
This study is using data which is collected by the hospital as part of routine patient care. The data includes health problems, routine blood tests, vital signs, procedures and outcomes. It is data from events that have already happened when the patient was in hospital and does not require active patient involvement. We will identify patients who have had emergency bowel surgery from December 2013 to February 2020. The clinical data is extracted onto datasets and patient identity is made anonymous using a study number for each patient. Statistical analysis will then be used to identify the variables which are highly predictive of post-operative mortality. These variables will be combined with established risk models to see if they can improve their accuracy at predicting mortality.
Data Policy and How to Opt Out
The study uses large amounts of historical data without seeking individual consent. We have been given special research approval for this by the Health Research Authority’s Confidentiality Advisory Committee (CAG Reference 20/CAG/0055). We make the patient identity anonymous using a study number for each set of patient data. There is no way that you could be identified as an individual from the results of the study. The analysis is conducted on secure computers and we strictly follow Trust Data Protection, IT security protocol and GDPR Regulations.
If you have had emergency bowel surgery since December 2013 until now, and would NOT like your data to be used, please go to: to apply for NHS opt out scheme. This will mean your data will not be used in this or future studies. Alternatively, you can contact the research department via phone: 02392 826 236 or email: [email protected] to opt-out of the study.